{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.theming; # Font module type fontModule = types.submodule { options = { name = mkOption { type = types.str; description = "Font family name."; }; package = mkOption { type = types.anything; description = "Font package"; }; recommendedSize = mkOption { type = types.nullOr types.int; default = null; description = "Recommended size for displaying this font."; }; fallbackFonts = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = [ ]; description = "Fallback fonts for specified font."; }; }; }; fontModules = [ # Import all fonts ./fonts/cozette-vector.nix ./fonts/cozette.nix ./fonts/dejavu-sans.nix ./fonts/dejavu-serif.nix ./fonts/dina.nix ./fonts/fira-code.nix ./fonts/nerd-fonts-symbols.nix ./fonts/noto-color-emoji.nix ./fonts/wqy-bitmapsong.nix ./fonts/wqy-microhei-mono.nix ./fonts/wqy-microhei.nix ./fonts/wqy-zenhei-mono.nix ./fonts/wqy-zenhei-sharp.nix ./fonts/wqy-zenhei.nix ]; # Gather enabled fonts. enabledFonts = [ cfg.fonts.serif.name cfg.fonts.sansSerif.name cfg.fonts.monospace.name cfg.fonts.emoji.name ] ++ map (font: font.name) cfg.fonts.extraFonts; # Flatten dependencies of fonts fontPackages = converge ( fonts: listToAttrs ( map (font: { name = font; value = true; }) ( flatten (map (font: [ font.name ] ++ cfg.fonts.pkgs.${font.name}.fallbackFonts) (attrsToList fonts)) ) ) ) ( listToAttrs ( map (font: { name = font; value = true; }) enabledFonts ) ); # Convert set of fonts to list of packages fontNameList = map (font: font.name) (attrsToList fontPackages); fontPackageList = map (font: cfg.fonts.pkgs.${font}.package) fontNameList; in { imports = [ # Import all themes ./themes/catppuccin.nix ./themes/gruvbox.nix ./themes/oxocarbon.nix ./themes/papercolor.nix ./themes/sakura.nix ./themes/nord.nix ]; options.modules.theming.enable = mkEnableOption "theming"; options.theming = let colors = config.theming.schemeColors; in { darkMode = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; example = true; description = "Whether the app should use dark mode."; }; colorScheme = mkOption { type = types.nullOr types.str; default = null; description = "Base 16 color scheme to use for styling. See stylix documentation for more information."; }; schemeColors = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf types.anything; default = config.lib.stylix.colors; description = "Generated colors from scheme"; }; colors = { bg = mkOption { type = types.str; default = colors.base00; }; fg = mkOption { type = types.str; default = colors.base05; }; bg-status = mkOption { type = types.str; default = colors.base01; }; fg-status = mkOption { type = types.str; default = colors.base04; }; bg-selection = mkOption { type = types.str; default = colors.base02; }; bg-highlight = mkOption { type = types.str; default = colors.base03; }; fg-search = mkOption { type = types.str; default = colors.base0A; }; accent = mkOption { type = types.str; default = colors.base0E; }; border-focused = mkOption { type = types.str; default = cfg.colors.fg; }; border-unfocused = mkOption { type = types.str; default = cfg.colors.bg-selection; }; }; colorsCSS = mkOption { type = types.lines; default = ":root {\n" + concatStrings ( map (color: " --nix-color-${color.name}: #${color.value};\n") (attrsToList cfg.colors) ) + "}\n\n"; description = "Colors as css variables"; }; layout = { borderRadius = mkOption { type = types.int; default = 0; description = "Border radius of windows."; }; borderSize = mkOption { type = types.int; default = 1; description = "Size of borders used throughout UI."; }; windowPadding = mkOption { type = types.int; default = 2; description = "Margin of each window, actual space between windows will be twice this number."; }; }; fonts = { pkgs = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf fontModule; default = builtins.listToAttrs ( map (module: { name = module.name; value = module; }) (map (module: (import module) { inherit lib config pkgs; }) fontModules) ); description = "All available font modules."; }; installed = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = fontNameList; description = "List of installed fonts."; }; serif = mkOption { type = fontModule; description = "Default serif font"; }; sansSerif = mkOption { type = fontModule; description = "Default sansSerif font."; }; monospace = mkOption { type = fontModule; description = "Default monospace font."; }; emoji = mkOption { type = fontModule; description = "Default emoji font."; }; interface = mkOption { type = fontModule; description = "Default emoji font."; }; extraFonts = mkOption { type = types.listOf fontModule; default = [ ]; description = "Additional fonts to install."; }; }; }; config = mkIf config.modules.theming.enable { # Enable fontconfig modules.fontconfig.enable = true; # Install configured fonts home.packages = fontPackageList; # Configure gnome theme dconf.settings = { "org/gnome/desktop/interface" = { color-scheme = if cfg.darkMode then "prefer-dark" else "prefer-light"; }; }; # Configure qt theme qt = { enable = true; platformTheme.name = "adwaita"; style.name = if cfg.darkMode then "adwaita-dark" else "adwaita-light"; }; # Configure gtk theme gtk = # disableCSD = '' # headerbar.default-decoration { # margin-bottom: 50px; # margin-top: -100px; # } # window.csd, # window.csd decoration { # box-shadow: none; # } # ''; { enable = true; theme = { name = if cfg.darkMode then "Adwaita-dark" else "Adwaita-light"; package = pkgs.gnome-themes-extra; }; }; # TODO: This should just straight up not be here programs.direnv = { enable = true; nix-direnv.enable = true; }; modules.git.ignores = [ ".direnv" ]; # TODO: Make cursors configurable using modules. home.pointerCursor = { gtk.enable = true; name = lib.mkForce "BreezeX-RosePine-Linux"; package = lib.mkForce pkgs.rose-pine-cursor; size = lib.mkForce 24; x11 = { defaultCursor = lib.mkForce "BreezeX-RosePine-Linux"; enable = true; }; }; # Enable stylix # TODO: Move to own module stylix = { enable = true; autoEnable = false; targets = { foot.enable = true; nixvim.enable = true; qutebrowser.enable = true; vscode.enable = true; zathura.enable = true; }; base16Scheme = cfg.colorScheme; polarity = if cfg.darkMode then "dark" else "light"; fonts = { serif = getAttrs [ "name" "package" ] cfg.fonts.serif; sansSerif = getAttrs [ "name" "package" ] cfg.fonts.sansSerif; monospace = getAttrs [ "name" "package" ] cfg.fonts.monospace; emoji = getAttrs [ "name" "package" ] cfg.fonts.emoji; sizes = { applications = mkDefault cfg.fonts.serif.recommendedSize; desktop = mkDefault cfg.fonts.monospace.recommendedSize; # TODO: See below popups = mkDefault cfg.fonts.monospace.recommendedSize; # TODO: Add dedicated UI font terminal = mkDefault cfg.fonts.monospace.recommendedSize; }; }; }; }; }