{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.modules.python; in { options.modules.python = { enable = mkEnableOption "python"; extraPythonPackages = mkOption { type = types.functionTo (types.listOf types.package) // { merge = loc: defs: p: lib.concatMap (def: (def.value p)) defs; }; default = p: [ ]; description = "Extra Python packages to install"; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { # Development packages home.packages = [ ]; # Allow unfree modules.unfree.allowedPackages = [ "vscode-extension-MS-python-vscode-pylance" ]; # VSCode configuration programs.vscode = { extensions = with pkgs.vscode-extensions; [ ms-python.python ms-python.debugpy ms-python.vscode-pylance ms-python.black-formatter ]; userSettings = { "python.defaultInterpreterPath" = "\${env:PYTHONINTERPRETER}"; "[python]" = { "editor.defaultFormatter" = "ms-python.black-formatter"; }; }; }; # Neovim configuration programs.nixvim = { }; }; }