{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.modules.neovim; theme = config.desktop.theming; colors = theme.colors; in { options.modules.neovim = { enable = mkEnableOption "neovim"; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { programs.nixvim = { enable = true; defaultEditor = true; viAlias = true; vimAlias = true; extraPackages = with pkgs; [ ]; opts = { number = true; relativenumber = true; signcolumn = "yes"; ignorecase = true; smartcase = true; tabstop = 4; shiftwidth = 4; softtabstop = 0; expandtab = true; smarttab = true; list = true; listchars = "tab:»┈«,trail:·,extends:→,precedes:←,nbsp:␣"; }; diagnostics = { enable = true; signs = true; underline = true; update_in_insert = true; }; extraConfigLua = '' vim.fn.sign_define("DiagnosticSignError", {text = "", texthl = "DiagnosticSignError"}) vim.fn.sign_define("DiagnosticSignWarn", {text = "", texthl = "DiagnosticSignWarn"}) vim.fn.sign_define("DiagnosticSignInfo", {text = "", texthl = "DiagnosticSignInfo"}) vim.fn.sign_define("DiagnosticSignHint", {text = "💡", texthl = "DiagnosticSignHint"}) ''; keymaps = [ # Save shortcut { action = ":update"; key = ""; mode = "n"; } { action = ":update"; key = ""; mode = "i"; } # Neo tree { action = ":Neotree action=focus reveal toggle"; key = "n"; mode = "n"; options.silent = true; } ]; autoCmd = [ { desc = "Automatic formatting"; event = "BufWritePre"; callback = { __raw = '' function() vim.lsp.buf.format { async = false, } end ''; }; } ]; highlight = { Comment = { italic = true; fg = theme.schemeColors.withHashtag.base03; # TODO: Come up with a good name colors.muted maybe? }; }; plugins.lsp = { enable = true; }; #plugins.treesitter = { # enable = true; #}; plugins.cmp = { enable = true; settings = { mapping = { "" = "cmp.mapping.complete()"; "" = "cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-4)"; "" = "cmp.mapping.close()"; "" = "cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(4)"; "" = "cmp.mapping.confirm({ select = true })"; "" = "cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.select_prev_item(), {'i', 's'})"; "" = "cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.select_next_item(), {'i', 's'})"; }; sources = [ { name = "path"; } { name = "nvim_lsp"; } ]; }; }; plugins.web-devicons = { enable = true; }; plugins.neo-tree = { enable = true; closeIfLastWindow = true; window = { width = 30; autoExpandWidth = true; }; extraOptions = { default_component_configs.git_status.symbols = { # Change type added = "+"; deleted = "✕"; modified = "✦"; renamed = "→"; # Status type untracked = "?"; ignored = "▫"; unstaged = "□"; staged = "■"; conflict = "‼"; }; }; }; #plugins.cmp-nvim-lsp.enable = true; plugins.gitsigns = { enable = true; settings.current_line_blame = true; }; #plugins.copilot-vim = { # enable = true; #}; # plugins.vimtex = { # enable = true; # texlivePackage = null; # settings = { # view_method = "zathura"; # }; # }; }; programs.neovim.defaultEditor = true; }; }