{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.modules.vscode; theme = config.theming; in { options.modules.vscode = { enable = mkEnableOption "vscode"; codeFont = mkOption { type = types.anything; default = theme.fonts.pkgs."Fira Code"; }; fallbackFont = mkOption { type = types.anything; default = theme.fonts.pkgs."Symbols Nerd Font Mono"; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { modules.unfree.allowedPackages = [ "vscode" "vscode-extension-github-copilot" "vscode-extension-github-copilot-chat" "vscode-extension-ms-vsliveshare-vsliveshare" ]; theming.fonts.extraFonts = [ cfg.codeFont ]; programs.vscode = { enable = true; mutableExtensionsDir = false; extensions = with pkgs.vscode-extensions; [ eamodio.gitlens ms-vscode.hexeditor mkhl.direnv usernamehw.errorlens gruntfuggly.todo-tree github.copilot github.copilot-chat tomoki1207.pdf ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare ]; userSettings = let font-family = mkForce "'${cfg.codeFont.name}', '${cfg.fallbackFont.name}'"; # TODO: Move the conversion factor to theme settings font-size = mkForce cfg.codeFont.recommendedSize; # Convert pt to px in { # Font setup "editor.fontFamily" = font-family; "editor.inlayHints.fontFamily" = font-family; "editor.inlineSuggest.fontFamily" = font-family; "editor.fontSize" = font-size; "editor.fontLigatures" = true; "terminal.integrated.fontFamily" = font-family; "terminal.integrated.fontSize" = font-size; "chat.editor.fontFamily" = font-family; # TODO: Change this font to the standard UI font "chat.editor.fontSize" = font-size; "debug.console.fontFamily" = font-family; "debug.console.fontSize" = font-size; "scm.inputFontFamily" = font-family; # TODO: Change this font to the standard UI font "scm.inputFontSize" = font-size; "markdown.preview.fontFamily" = mkForce theme.fonts.sansSerif.name; # TODO: Change this font to the standard UI font "markdown.preview.fontSize" = mkForce theme.fonts.sansSerif.recommendedSize; # Formatting "editor.formatOnSave" = true; "editor.tabSize" = 4; # Layout "window.menuBarVisibility" = "hidden"; # Git settings "git.autofetch" = true; "git.enableSmartCommit" = false; "git.suggestSmartCommit" = false; # Disable update notifications "update.mode" = "none"; # TODO: Move to direnv module # Ignore direnv folder "files.exclude" = { ".direnv" = true; }; }; }; }; }